Policy for the operations and Management of the Cobram Lawn Cemetery.
Graves will be normally dug for two interments. This will provide for digging a grave to a depth of 2.13m and allows for two interments with the statutory 150mm of filling between coffins a 1 m. cover between the last interment and the ordinary level of the ground. There shall be no more than two interments per one single grave, however it shall be at the Trusts discretion to allow more than two when the first interment is made.
It shall be the responsibility of the Trust to maintain all lawn graves. Maintenance of the Lawn ,watering, fetilising and trimming around monuments.
The fee charged for a lawn gravesite shall include a charge to cover the perpetual maintenance of the Lawn Section of the cemetery together with the cost of monuments and grave-digging shall be those fees adopted by the trust from time to time.
To provide for orderly developments of the lawn cemetery particular sites will not be pre-sold.
There will be no discrimination or segregation of any race or nationality or denomination.
All Monuments are to be erected on the beams provided and shall be of standard adopted by the trust in accepting tenders for the provision of monuments. The Trust will not entertain the erection of monuments for which tenders have not been called.
The Trust will allow a ceramic photograph of appropriate size as ordered through the Trust there will be no exceptions.(use of adhesive will damage the desk surface.
Flowers only to be displayed in containers made available by the Trust in accepting tenders for the provision of monuments and flower container. The Trust will not entertain the erection of flower containers for which tenders have not been called.
The transfer of burials from the Generasl Section will not be permitted without the approval of the Trust.
Every endeavor shall be made for the Cobram Cemetery Trust Secretary to be advised within 4 months of the date of burial of wording required.
No person is to plant trees, shrubs,bushes or flowers at or near gravesites within the Cemetery boundary.
No Animals are allowed within the cemetery boundary.
Updated as at 01 July 2017
Policy for Operations and Management of the Cobram Monumental Cemetery.
Graves will be normally dug for two interments. This will provide for digging a grave to a depth of 2.13m and allows for two interments with the statutory 150mm between coffins. A grave can allow for three interments if the Trust is advised at the time of the first interment. There shall be no more than two interments per single grave however it shall be at the discretion of the trust to allow more than two.
The fee for the gravesite shall include a charge to cover perpetual maintenance of the monumental section of the cemetery together with the cost of monuments and grave-digging and shall be those fees adopted from time to time.
Gravesites in the Monumental Cemetery can be pre-sold. Although some gravesites will require checking before the Trust can confirm the sale of the gravesite, this checking will be at the purchasers cost.
Ashes can be interred in Monumental Cemetery Gravesites.or segregation of any race, nationality
The Monumental Cemetery is marked into sections for historical purposes only There will be no discrimination or segregation of any race, nationality or denomination.
The Trust will allow a ceramic photograph of appropriate size as ordered through the Trust there will be no exceptions(use of adhesive will damage the surface).
Flowers only to be displayed in suitable containers (No Glass) All vases and items that are not approved for use in the Cobram Public Cemetery including glass and other unauthorised items will be removed from the Cemetery from time to time during m,aintenance.
The transfer of burials from the Monumental Cemetery to the lawn Cemetery will not be permitted without approval from the Trust .
It shall be the responsibility to maintain the areas around the graves. This maintenance will consist of mowing, watering, fertilising and trimming around gravesites(In appropriate areas)
No person is to plant trees,shrubs, bushes or flowers at or near Gravesites within the cemetery boundary.
No Animals are allowed within the cemetery boundary.
All rubbish is to be put into the rubbish bins provided.
Updated As At July 1 2017
Policy for the operations and management of the Mausoleum.
The Cobram Cemetery Trust has provided a public Mausoleum in the Cobram Public Cemetery and therefore will not allow for Private Mausoleum to be constructed in the Cobram Public Cemetery.
The Mausoleum crypt purchased must be used and then kept by the holder solely as a burial place.
Without prior written approval from the Trustees, the crypt must not be interfered with or the surfaced inscribed or altered in any way.
The holder acknowledges that the Trustees may if necessary re-open the crypt at any time under the instructions of the Department of Human Services or its successor in title.
The holder must comply with the provisions of the Cemeteries Act 1958 or any superseding legislation and any cemetery regulations or rules made by the Trustees of the cemetery.
Before any burial/interment , the Trustees may enquire if the holder has consented to such burial/interment.
There will be no discrimination or segregation of any race, nationality or denomination.
Flowers are only to be displayed in vases that are attached to crypt fronts.
No person is to plant trees, shrubs,bushes or flowers within the Cemetery Boundary.
Candles are NOT to be left burning in the Mausoleum under any circumstances.