The first known Burial in Cobram Cemetery. There was a wooden cross marking the burial of the first person in the Cobram Cemetery and that is of a seven year old girl by the name of Mary Hughes, this cross was destroyed in a grassfire a few years ago and the exact place of this burial is now unknown.
The oldest known surviving Monument. The oldest known surviving monument in the Cobram Cemetery is that of Mrs Henry (Jane) Campbell who the Cobram Station in 1860 Jane (Donald)Campbell purchased a farm at Beaufort, naming it "Causeway" after the farm the family had left in Scotland. The farm produce found a ready market on the goldfields and the family prospered, each son being set up in his own station or farm on reaching the age of 21. The oldest son, Hugh, in partnership with his father-in-law bought the lease of Cobrum Station near Wangaratta in 1872, and Jane Donald died there in 1876. What a woman she must have been - not only did she bear thirteen children and rear twelve of them to adulthood, but she emigrated to a new country, on the way dealing with the blow of losing her husband, and on arrival established a family of pastoralists who were to be associated with the land in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland..
Cemetery Historical Walks 2015 - Streets Names. 2016- Directors, Employees and Contractors of Murray Goulburn. 2017 - The Italian Influence. 2018 - Soldier Settlers.