Lone Pine (tree)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lone Pine at Lone Pine Cemetery, Gallipoli - Pinus pinea The Lone Pine was a solitary tree on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey, which marked the site of the Battle of Lone Pine in 1915. It was a "Turkish Pine" of species Pinus brutia. Pines which are planted as a memorial to the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought in Gallipoli are also known as "Lone Pines" or "Gallipoli Pines". However, there are at least two species of pine in that locality—in addition to "Turkish Pine" Pinus brutia, the "Aleppo Pine" Pinus halepensis is also common. Branches from "Allepo" pines were also used by the Turks to protect their trenches, and cones and seeds from "Allepo" pines are common at "Lone Pine" memorials in Australia, in particular, the tree at the Australian War Memorial. The tree at the Lone Pine Cemetery at Gallipoli is of a third species--Stone pinePinus pinea.
A lone pine tree was provided to all Cemetery Trusts in Victoria from the Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of Victoria CCAV.. Cobram Cemetery Trust planted our Lone Pine on the 25 April 2017 with a small ceremony comprising of our Trust and family members.